Dr. Benjamin Chu


Are you seeking options to rejuvenate
and brighten your skin after a summer spent in the sun?  
90% of premature aging, lesions and pigmented spots are
caused by the sun’s harsh effects on the skin.

Lumecca is a superior intense pulsed light (IPL) solution to improve skin complexion, reduce skin irregularities and look years younger in just 1-3 sessions, compared to 4-6 with other IPL technologies.

In just one session, Lumecca provides visible results, reducing pigmentation and damage caused by the sun’s harsh rays. Lumecca technology is optimal in the treatment of benign pigmented epidermal lesions and discoloration, and can be used on light and dark skin. Safe, non-invasive and effective, Lumecca is a remarkable technology in skin improvement.

In just 1-3 sessions, Lumecca improves the appearance of:

Dyschromiam hyperpigmentation | Melasma | Freckles | Port wine stains | Facial, truncal, and leg telangiectasias | Rosacea | Angiomas | Poikiloderma and more

Watch the two videos below to learn more about Lumecca treatments.